2017 Spring Pledge Drive Highlights & Thanks - Day 9

Published on: March 23rd, 2017


Irma Thomas at WWOZ. Photo by Leona Strassberg Steiner.


WWOZ would like to thank all of our new & renewing members, show hosts, musicians, volunteers, staff, photographers, engineers and food donors for what we hope will prove to be a highly successful Spring Membership Drive! You're all helping to guard the groove and helping us bring you the music and culture you love. Excellent!

Check out our photo highlights (below) of all the exciting performers and guests, hardworking staff and volunteers, and delicious food from each day of the drive!

Wednesday, March 22

Musicians: Warren Battiste, Danny Abel Band, Bob Malone, YaDonna West.

Show Hosts & Pitchers:  Breaux Bridges (Maryse Dejean), Olivia Greene (Jorge Fuentes), Derrick Freeman (Pearl Ricks), Big D (Arthur Cohen), Sondra Bibb (Scott Borne), Bob Murrett (Tommy Lyons), AJ (AA).

Phone Bank Volunteers:  Harry Ballard, Tommy Boehm, Veronica Cromwell, Frances Davis, Elizabeth Grippe, Jeff Grippe, Louis Holmes, Jacob Mills, Julie Nalibov, Gerry Puchalski, Marta Welden.

Photographers & Video Camera Operators: Eli Mergel, Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee, Leona Strassberg Steiner, Michael Longfield, Noelani Musicaro.

Front Desk & Helpers: Michael Longfield, Dave Maitland, Chris Williams.

Food donations: Fresh Market, Juan's Flying Burrito, and Nirvana.. If you're a restauranteur who'd like to donate food for a future drive, contact rick@wwoz.org.


Drive Highlights by Day:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Today's Videos:

Warren Battiste, Danny Abel Band, Bob Malone, YaDonna West.

Photo gallery:

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