Suzanne Corley and Elizabeth Meneray at WWOZ's 39th birthday - Dec. 4, 2019. Photo by Louis Crispino.

Suzanne Corley, Elizabeth Meneray, and Big D at WWOZ's 39th birthday - Dec. 4, 2019. Photo by Louis Crispino.

Suzanne Corley, Elizabeth Meneray, Big D, and Andrew Grafe at WWOZ's 39th birthday - Dec. 4, 2019. Photo by Louis Crispino.

Scott Borne, Suzanne Corley, and Jorge Fuentes at the WWOZ Groove Gala on September 6, 2018. Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee www.rhrPhoto.com

Scott Borne, Suzanne Corley, and Jorge Fuentes at the WWOZ Groove Gala on September 6, 2018. Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee www.rhrPhoto.com

Scott Borne, Suzanne Corley, and Jorge Fuentes at the WWOZ Groove Gala on September 6, 2018. Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee www.rhrPhoto.com

Chuck Chaplin on piano and Wess Warmdaddy Anderson on sax, while Suzanne Corley and Hayley James watch. Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee www.rhrphoto.com

Suzanne Corley, Dean Ellis, Eduardo Tozzato, and Evan Christopher, photo by Kichea S Burt, ksburt.zenfolio.com

WWOZ's Jorge Fuentes and show host. Suzanne Corley on-air during Thursday afternoon for the 2012 fall pledge drive. Photo Bill Sasser.

WWOZ's Jorge Fuentes and Suzanne Corley in the studio during the station's Fall Pledge Drive. Photo by Bill Sasser