NOMADIC TEMPEST - A Theatrical Tall Ship Production of Caravan Stage Company

Thursday, May 18, 2017 - 9:00pm to Sunday, May 21, 2017 - 10:30pm
INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL TALL SHIP ANCHORS AT PONTCHARTRAIN LANDING 5/1/17 UPDATE: SHOW DATES MAY 10-14 HAVE BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER & LATE DEPARTURE FROM SAINT PETERSBURG, FL. WE HAVE ADDED MAY 21 TO NEW ORLEANS. CURRENT DATES Pontchartrain Landing RV Park ARE MAY 18-21. Caravan Stage Company returns to New Orleans, LA. area to stage their latest production Nomadic Tempest at Pontchartrain Landing Marina Resort, May 18- 21. Shows begin at 9 pm., advanced tickets at NOMADIC TEMPEST is performed aboard The Company's 90 foot Tall Ship, Amara Zee, a replica of a Thames River Sailing Barge. The 21 foot wide Tall Ship transforms the entire deck, masts and all the rigging into a technologically innovative, contemporary theater. The production is a continuous cinematic panorama of originally designed video graphics, animations and images; simulating the flight paths of the Monarchs gliding upwards of 4000 ft. above the Earth. Within the upper trusses and the lower decks, as the Aerialists cavort, a palette of surprises, colors, and mechanical transformations are engineered into this one-of-a-kind experimental rock opera. NOMADIC TEMPEST is a mythical saga of a band of monarch butterflies; forced to migrate due to climate-change. The butterflies, embodied by four talented aerial artists, serve as a metaphor for today's Climate Refugees. The Monarchs are from four global regions: Salish Sea, Syria, China and Mexico, each with their own tongue: Hunqeminem, Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish. Their song is sung in each of the above languages, and the original English lyrics are projected as subtitles during the show. Kanandra, the narrator/singer, can foresee the future, but is cursed by the SwallowWarts, the evil oil industry, so that no one believes her prophecies. She can understand and speak the tongue of all species on the Planet & finds herself last on Earth with the butterflies. Together, they combat the SwallowWarts, in order to protect and ultimately save the planet. Audiences gather on the shore and experience original music, soaring vocals, aerial artistry and large scenic elements backed by spectacular lighting and sound effects combined to create the visual and auditory feast that has enthralled audiences of all ages in North America and Europe. Performing in areas most impacted by rising sea levels and the realities of forced migration due to Climate Change, Nomadic Tempest premiered in St. Petersburg, FL. April 4th, 2017. Beyond New Orleans, the Caravan Stage Company travels to Beaumont, Texas before transported through the Panama Canal to British Columbia, Canada; the final destination and the Caravan's original home over 45 years ago. The Caravan Stage Company, created in Victoria, BC in 1970, by Paul Kirby and Adriana Kelder, is a professional non-profit theatre company travelling and performing with a diverse cast; creating original experimental theatre & opera, encompassing the themes of civil rights and environmental justice. The Caravan began as the World’s Only Horse Drawn Theatre Company- the one wagon puppet show traveling throughout Vancouver Island grew to become a major theatrical organization with a 25 person company of actors, musicians, artists and technicians touring in six large wagons pulled by a team of Clydesdale horses. PAY WHAT YOU CAN ~ SUGGESTED DONATION IS $25.00 // $15 for STUDENTS // $10 for YOUTH. Your donation helps subsidize the production and our ability to offer our performances to those who might not otherwise be able to attend. We believe that theatre is one of the most effective mediums for change! Just as we work to bring this unique theatre to as many people as possible, we strive to widely spread awareness through our dazzling storytelling. ALL ARE WELCOME regardless of socio-economic circumstances. IF you are unable to attend a show, please consider supporting us through our fundraising campaign. More PHOTOS + Facebook // Twitter // Instagram


Thank you! We will be arriving a week before the performances & would love to come down and share our story on the air! Feel free to contact us for further details.

Thanks, Jenn

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