Willie "The Lion" Smith on the BBC in 1965

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Published on: May 30th, 2015

Stride piano pioneer William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff Smith (1893-1973), a.k.a. Willie "The Lion" Smith, does a remarkable 6-song, 28 minute set on the BBC in 1965. If you're not sure what "stride" piano means, let Smith demonstrate and explain as he performs compositions ranging from Chopin to "St Louis Blues". Between Smith's cigar and bassist Brian Brocklehurst's pipe, this is literally "smokin' jazz".



This performance was recorded on November 7, 1965 at the Marquee Club in London. Brian Brocklehurst plays bass, and Lennie Hastings is on the drums.

00:00 - Introduced by Humphrey Lyttelton
01:45 - "Carolina Shout" (James P. Johnson)
04:45 - "Morning Air" (Willie "The Lion" Smith)
07:25 - "Polonaise in A" (Frederic Chopin)
11:45 - "St. Louis Blues" (William Christopher Handy)
16:45 - "Dardanella" (Fred Fisher, Felix Bernard, Johnny S. Black)
20:50 - "Nagasaki" (Mort Dixon, Harry Warren)

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