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![Krewe du Vieux 2013 [Photo: Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]](

One of the first big parades of the Carnival season, Krewe du Vieux, is taking a new route this year. KdV, active since 1987, will cross Canal and parade through the CBD after heading through their more familiar stomping grounds in the Marigny and French Quarter starting at 6:30pm on Saturday, January 31. The new route ends at the Krewe du Vieux ball, this year taking place at the Civic Theater in the CBD.
Immediately following Vieux for, this year, only part of the route will be krewedelusion, another wonderfully surrealist and satirical collection of subkrewes. This year's krewedelusion "Empress of the Insane & Captain of New Orleans" is Guardian of the Groove Trixie Minx who is taking over leadership duties from 2014's "Soul Sister #1 & Captain of New Orleans," Saturday night WWOZ show host DJ Soul Sister. Krewedelusion's route splits to head back to the Marigny for their ball.
I love both of these lighthearted and satirical krewes - without fail, they have some of the best jokes of and takes on the season every year. Their revelers also have some of the best costumes. See you out there!