Hypnotism Show

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Published on: December 27th, 2014

Tonight from midnight to 3am Sunday, "Mr. Boring" will convert his always-sleep-inducing personality into the power of hypnotism.  Yep, I'm hypnotizing the Saturday night drunk listeners who call the WWOZ studio to offer themselves up to the cuckold stars of this weeks television episode of "Cheaters."  (The entire phone call is a non-sequitur as the drunk tells me about wrapping tin foil around the radio's rabbit ears antenna to get a better television picture of their potential date.)  I'm Patti Stanger of New Orleans' Hundred-aire Matchmaker reality show.   



Between the usual "music you've never heard by musicians you've never heard of..." will be a mass hypnotism performed by me with the help of some fine products taken from the back pages of my 1960's comic book collections.  Plenty of "eenie weenie chili beanie" chants to put you under a trance.  Under hypnotism, you'll find yourself calling Jack Hopke of WWNO and requesting "Taking Mustang Sally to Stairway to Freebird at Sweet Home G.L.O.R.I.A" or stealing a pirogue to donate to WWOZ used vehicle donation program.   But this time when you drunk dial me to threaten me for putting voices in your head, you'll be right.


Oh, the entire idea for tonight's show came from this link:



and watching this horrible Dennis Hopper movie where his love interest becomes hypnotized by the drumming of Chiano at the 27 minute mark:




We'll start the show with Chiano to begin the mass hypnotism....




























For parents, here's how to manage your kids with hypnotism:




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