2017 Fall Membership Drive Highlights & Thanks - Day 9

Published on: October 26th, 2017


Michael Soulman Baptiste. Photo by Charlie Steiner.

WWOZ would like to thank all of our new & renewing members, show hosts, musicians, volunteers, staff, photographers, engineers and food donors for their contributions to a successful Fall Membership Drive! You're all helping to guard the groove and helping us bring you the music and culture you love. Bravo!

Check out our photo and video highlights (below) of all the exciting performers and guests, hardworking staff and volunteers, and delicious food from each day of the drive!

Wednesday, OCTOBER 25

Musicians: Doyle Cooper Jazz Band, Billy Iuso & the Restless Natives, Mike "Soulman" Baptiste

Show Hosts & Pitchers: Breaux Bridges & Maryse Dejean, Father Ron & Ashli, Pearl Ricks, Carrie Booher & J Pegues, Sondra Bibb & Charlie B, Bob Murrett & Leslie Cooper, AJ & Double AA

Phone Bank Volunteers:  Austin Allen, Tommy Boehm, Mark Grzywacz, Laura Hibbits, Arlene Hines, Louis Holmes, Francis Davis Kleineter, April Leigh, Hank Weisbecker, Doug Funny, Paul Dillela, Brook Trout Paulus.


Front Desk & Helpers:Arlene Hines

Food donations: Horn's, Mulate's, and Mimi's in the Marigny. If you're a restauranteur who'd like to donate food for a future drive, contact rick@wwoz.org.


Today's Videos:

Doyle Cooper Jazz Band, Billy Iuso & the Restless Natives, Mike "Soulman" Baptiste


Photo gallery:

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